Victor Dyseryn
Research scientist at Télécom Paris, France (since 2024)
I am Victor Dyseryn, currently at Télécom Paris in the Cybersecurity & Cryptography [C2] research team.
On the teaching side, I am in charge of the digital training of the "corps des mines" students (future engineer civil servants).
Previously, I was a Ph.D student in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Research Center XLIM (UMR CNRS 7252) at the University of Limoges, France. I was advised by Professor Philippe Gaborit and Professor Carlos Aguilar-Melchor.
I also hold a M.Sc. from Ecole Polytechnique.
My main interests are post-quantum cryptography and coding theory.
Contact: victor < dot > dyseryn < at > telecom < hyphen > paris < dot > frResearch
My Ph.D subject was Exploring the multi-dimensional approach in code-based cryptography.
Post-quantum cryptography is the branch of cryptography which is resistant against quantum attacks. Compared to currently used classical cryptography, the underlying mathematical problems are different.
I work on a specific family of post-quantum algorithms based on error-correcting codes. My objective is to find secure and efficient (in size and time) crytosystems. I am part of three submitting teams to the NIST Call for Additional Digital Signature Schemes for the Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process: MIRA, PERK and RYDE. They all made it to the second round of the standardization process.
Together with my coauthors, we studied a multi-dimensional approach to reduce the size of the schemes,
as a more secure alternative than cyclicity.
It consists in sending multiple errors with the same support,
increasing the decoding capacity of the codes and hence allowing a global decrease in the parameters.
Our schemes improve in size all the existing unstructured post-quantum
lattice or code-based algorithms.
Keywords: Cryptography, Applied Mathematics, Coding Theory and Computer Science.
PhD Thesis
January 2024 -
Exploring the multi-dimensional approach in code-based cryptography
Supervisors: Philippe Gaborit, Carlos Aguilar-Melchor
NIST Submissions
MIRA [website]
with Nicolas Aragon, Magali Bardet, Loïc Bidoux, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Thibauld Feneuil, Philippe Gaborit, Romaric Neveu, Matthieu Rivain, Jean-Pierre Tillich
PERK [website]
Najwa Aaraj, Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Alessandro Budroni, Andre Esser, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Victor Mateu, Marco Palumbi, Lucas Perin, Jean-Pierre Tillich
RYDE [website]
with Nicolas Aragon, Magali Bardet, Loïc Bidoux, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Thibauld Feneuil, Philippe Gaborit, Antoine Joux, Matthieu Rivain, Jean-Pierre Tillich, Adrien Vincotte
Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption based on Random Codes
Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit
Design, Codes & Cryptography [article] [ePrint]
MinRank Gabidulin encryption scheme on matrix codes
Nicolas Aragon, Alain Couvreur, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Adrien Vinçotte
ASIACRYPT 2024 [article]
The Blockwise Rank Syndrome Learning problem and its applications to cryptography
Nicolas Aragon, Pierre Briaud, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Adrien Vinçotte
PQCRYPTO 2024 [article] [ePrint]
PERK: Compact Signature Scheme Based on a New Variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Victor Dyseryn, Andre Esser, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Marco Palumbi
Design, Codes & Cryptography [article]
LowMS: a new rank metric code-based KEM without ideal structure
Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Pierre Loidreau, Julian Renner and Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Design, Codes & Cryptography [article]
Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and cryptanalysis of the Durandal signature scheme
Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, and Philippe Gaborit
CRYPTO 2023 [article]
LRPC codes with multiple syndromes: near ideal-size KEMs without ideals
Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, and Gilles Zémor
PQCRYPTO 2022 [article]
Fast and Secure Key Generation for Low Rank Parity Check Codes Cryptosystems
Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, and Philippe Gaborit
ISIT 2021 [article]
Talks given in International Conferences
August 2023 - Talk (25 minutes) about Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and cryptanalysis of the Durandal signature scheme
Advances in Cryptology (CRYPTO 2023), Santa Barbara, California. [video][slides]
September 2022 - Talk (20 minutes) about LRPC codes with multiple syndromes: near ideal-size KEMs without ideals
International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCRYPTO 2022), virtual conference. [video][slides]
August 2021 - Talk (20 minutes) about Fast and Secure Key Generation for Low Rank Parity Check Codes Cryptosystems
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), virtual conference. [conference website]
Talks given in Workshops and Seminars
November 2023 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption based on Random Codes
Code-based Cryptography Workshop in INRIA Paris, France. [slides]
October 2023 - Talk (20 minutes) about PERK: Compact Signature Scheme Based on a New Variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem
Journées C2 (French coding & cryptography days) in Najac, France [slides]
June 2023 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about PERK: Compact Signature Scheme Based on a New Variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem
Code-based Cryptography Workshop in INRIA Paris, France. [slides]
June 2023 - Talk (1 hour) about Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and cryptanalysis of Durandal signature scheme
COD (Coding & Cryptography) Seminar in TUM, Munich, Germany. [slides]
May 2023 - Talk (1 hour) about Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and cryptanalysis of Durandal signature scheme
Cryptography Seminar in IRMAR, Rennes, France. [slides]
January 2023 - Talk (1 hour) about On the security of the PSSI problem and the Durandal signature scheme
GT C2 (Coding & cryptography workshop) in Lyon, France. [slides]
November 2022 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and applications and optimizations to Durandal signature scheme
Code-based Cryptography Workshop in INRIA Paris, France. [slides]
April 2022 - Talk (1 hour 30 minutes) about LRPC codes with multiple syndromes: near ideal-size KEMs without ideals
Code-based Cryptography Workshop in INRIA Paris, France. [slides]
Fall 2024: Numerical optimization - Master 1 - Télécom Paris
Fall 2022: Linear and bilinear Algebra - Licence 2 (2nd year bachelor) - Sorbonne Univeristé, Paris
École Polytechnique (2014-2018) - Paris, France
French "Grande Ecole" - equivalent to M.Sc.
Classes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics.
Lycée Sainte-Geneviève (2012-2014) - Versailles, France
French "Classe Préparatoire".
Intensive course in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science to prepare a competitive exam leading to engineering schools in France.